Monday, May 17, 2010


Bagan. What is there else to say about Bagan other than WOW, it has more Wow than anyplace we have seen in the last 8 months, so apologies for the abundance of pictures in this blog, it was quite simply awesome.

Bagan has some 2500 still standing temples in good order and many more ruins, the only downside is the temperature it has now hit an all time record high for Myanmar, 46 Degrees Celsius on two consecutive days ( both the days we were there ) how much luck can we have eh?

So once again we only did sight seeing from early morning and again in the evening, just as well really as I would have taken even more pictures of temples. As well as taking in the impressive temple filled plains we also went to a Lacquer ware cottage factory and an evening puppet show which was really entertaining and provided a bit of light entertainment after a hot day of "templing" .

There are so many temples and Buddha images here that it became impossible to keep track which one was which so we have attempted to name a few only as we have almost certainly got the names mixed up!!

Puppet Show Bagan

Puppet Masters at work.

The cast of many.

Lacquer base, made from bamboo.

How to strip the bamboo.

Pots showing the many stages involved in making a genuine lacquer item.

Lawn Shadows, Bagan

The Culprit.

That Binyat Temple Bagan.

Buddha image at the That Binyat temple.

Health and safety take note, this is how you clean a temple spire..

All that effort and he gets eaten by a huge wooden snake !! how unfair.

I think this is the Binyat Temple, it has some really old paintings inside which you are not allowed to photograph.

Buddha image Binyat temple Bagan.

Bagan Plains.

Linda on one of the climbing permitted temples.

Bagan Plains.

Quite Amazing.. ( well we think so )

Some are really huge !

I said there were over 2500 so I tried to capture all 2500 of them..

Buddha image from one of the temples.

If this is getting boring then you may want to skip to the end of the blog !!

More Temples..

Dhamayangyi Temple, Bagan Plains, Myanmar.

Temple in the archway. By now the pavement is really hot so when you have to get from the arch to the temple barefoot its quite a challenge.

The hot pavement Gauntlet, by now I am sure we could attempt fire walking..

Buddha in the window light.

Buddha image with gold leaf.

Another Buddha image at the Wetgyi in Gubaukgyi temple..... I think.

Nice hat !

Sulamam Temple

Buddha image Sulamam temple.


Back to the plains for a bit !

Evening time on the Bagan Plains...

There's just no place like it.

Superb light breaks out on the Plains.

This is the veiw point for watching the sun go down..

Bagan skyline at sunset.

Bupaya Stupa on the Irrawaddy River.

Irrawaddy Sunset. Sorry Sue no Dolphins !

Marlar and Linda by the Irrawaddy.
End of Bagan blog ( and the endless photo's of temples ! )
Next Blog Pindaya with endless photo's of Buddhas :-)

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, looks really beautiful - you should have sung the "Flipper" song to lure the dolphins!
    Sue and Colin
