Sunday, July 11, 2010


Back to Taipei ! This time we decided to mix things up a bit. We went back again to the Yangmingshan National Park and to take a look at the Geothermal area around Siaoyoukeng and the smoking fumaroles ( sounds like a good name for a rock band ! ) then we hopped on the park shuttle bus and went to the Jyuansih area and took a short hike to see a waterfall. Like our last visit we saw loads of insects, this time lots of dragon flies.

On another day we visited the Chiang kia -shek memorial and plaza where we watched the hourly change of the guard. Later on we stopped in on the botanical gardens where we saw a night heron ! other sites included a look at the Taipei 101 building ( the 2nd highest in the world ) and Dr Sun Yat Sens memorial. We saw a really neat Zebra crossing !! when you see the picture all will become clear.

Yangmingshan NP a bit foggy this time.

Fumaroles at Siaoyoukeng.

Sulphur crystals.


Low cloud and fog, a great combination for any scenic view.

Smoking fumaroles.


The path to Jyuansih.

One of the many small tumbling falls at Jyuansih.

Some sort of leaf copying bug thing.


Dragon flies..

Dr Sun Yat Sens Memorial.

Dr Sun Yat Sen.

Taipei 101 building.

Zebra Crossing.. well half of one anyway..

Nice !

Chaing kai-shek plaza.

Chaing kai-shek plaza.

Chaing kai-shek memorial.

Change of the guard.

Guard balancing on a rope !

MRT Subway Art

Red Bellied Squirrel at the Botanical Gardens.


End of Blog. Next Malaysia somewhere.

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